What is a Numerology


All Vedic mantras & hymns have words or numbers in a certain order. And if recited certain times give positive results.

Numerology is Ank Shashtra. It’s a part of Occult Science.

Numerology is the study of numbers and their energetic influence on our lives. Because we see and interact with numbers every day, it’s easy to take them for granted. But numbers are symbols that carry energetic vibrations which impact humanity on a cosmic level. Every number’s vibrations are unique and, therefore, each affects us in a different way.

Numbers are not good & numbers are not bad. A number that is lucky for one may be unlucky for someone else. It is their relationship with a human, environment or an event, which is important If all things, including you, are placed in the right order with a number, the result will be good or else it will not be so good. It is like musical notes, which are if hit in the right order produces music or else, the noise.

All the numbers work according to the planets they correspond to others and; all these planets carry their unique vibrations and energy, which they manifest on the numbers associated with them. 

All major aspects of this person’s life including his emotions, desires, health, career, etc. are governed by these numbers or planets. For example, if A’s number is harmonious with B’s number, A will have a pleasant and positive relationship with B. According to numerology, all kinds of opportunities and obstacles in a person’s life are influenced only by the numbers in his life. Moreover, there is another important thing to note; numerology does not believe in universally lucky or unlucky numbers such as lucky number 7 or the unlucky number 13. In numerology, there are different lucky and unlucky numbers for different people.

Numerology can be used to find direction and meaning in your life. It can also be used for forecasting, to see what kind of energy will be influencing you in the future. Many people even use Numerology as a resource when naming a child or business. The numbers present in a name impact its overall personality and potential, so some will put great intention into choosing a name that brings the desired results.

When the Almighty has sent us into this world, he has made you fit for it. So even if you don’t rely on numerology, you can conquer the world with your good work & hard work. But life may become a bit easier & pleasant if the wind & your luck is slightly tilted rather on your side than being indifferent to you.
Every person omits rays or radiation. in the train, we feel like talking to someone & to some, we don’t feel like talking (numbers omit through facial expression, wearing & body movement).

Among all the numbers, the birth number is the most important as an individual’s characteristics, strengths & weaknesses are directly related to your birth number.

An individual only has control over himself & not over destiny. The destiny number indicates what the destiny is or where the destiny will take you while the birth number indicates what a person wants. A person can always change his wants & desires & work on his weaknesses to succeed in life.

Here an argument can be made that if the person’s destiny is already written then how can life be made better. Destiny number indicates whether an individual will be able to get results easily or not.

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