how to earn more money

How to EARN more MONEY


How to EARN more MONEY

I am sure you are not going to say “NO” to money.

Would you like to learn how to create more money in your life?

Money means currency… it’s like a current.

Money is “circulation”

But many a time, when you are frightened, selfish or when you start hoard everything for yourself, you literally stop the circulation.

You create clogged pipes, making it difficult to keep flowing back in your direction.

Remember, you are not printing money.

Only someone can give it to you.

When you open your vessel of receiving bigger, more money flows into you.

For that, you need to do two things…

  1. Stop clogging your money flowing pipes with narrow thinking loaded with fear and anxieties
  2. Open your vessel to receive more

The best way to receive more is to start GIVING first.

  • Pay others well.
  • Do not negotiate with anyone
  • Support charities – Donate a minimum of 1% of your annual income.
  • Help others in all possible ways
  • Whatever work you do, give your best. Deliver more in terms of service than what you are paid for

Giving and receiving are the two sides of the same coin.
Giving starts the receiving process

If you want more love, fun, respect or success, or anything else, the way to get it is simple: give it away.

Don’t worry about a thing. The universe knows what it’s doing.

Everything you give away will return, with Interest!