How to download Facebook / FB videos straight to your laptop without using any app or service


(Note the following instructions are for Chrome but are very similar for other browsers)

Here’s how to save those FaceBook videos to your laptop or PC:

  1. Go to the post with the video you want to download
  2. Right-click on the video and select “Copy video URL at current time” 
  3. Paste the URL into your browser address bar, it should look something like this:…/videos/12345…9/
  4. Change the “www.” to “m.” i.e.…/videos/12345…9/
  5. Hit enter
  6. Play the video
  7. Now you will need to open up the Developer Console (Alt Option + Cmd + J)
  8. Inspect the video element using the icon at the top left of the developer console (you can also toggle it by pressing Shift + Cmd + C
  9. Click on the video and you’ll see the box on the developer console. Copy the video URL and paste it in another tab. Hit enter.
  10. Finally, right-click on that video and hit “Save video as”
  11. Name your video something exciting, sexy (or dumb), and hit enter.

As I mentioned, the Google Chrome instructions are very similar to the ones for Edge, Internet Explorer (you still using that?!), Opera and Firefox.

Here’s a video that walks you through all the steps. 

Reference Click Here