On Oct 2, 2021, at 11 am, I had taken a seminar on Belief
15 participate as part of this seminar where I have spoken about BELIEF which is holding you to reach your FULL POTENTIAL.
The following points discussed are
- What is the belief
- From where belief comes
- Following the step to change belief
- Practices ⟾ Transformation
A belief is the mental attitude that some proposition is true.
How Belief created
We have 2 minds. Subconscious and Conscious.
Subconscious only does execution. It doesn’t think, analyze, validate, never apply any logic. It just does execution.
God has created Conscious to think, analyze, validate and apply logic. But here the problem started. Due to this thinking, analysing, validating we started developing Belief. There are some negative beliefs also which we have developed.
Story of The Elephant Rope
Finally, Belief is a Thought
Universe Law
It will never be judgmental and criticism. It will just follow your thoughts
Good News
We can watch, work and change our beliefs by changing our thoughts
Whatever the mind… can conceive it can achieve.
Napoleon Hill
Follow the Steps Change Belief
- Step 1 – Write down all your beliefs
- Step 2 – Decide what core belief you want to change. (Choose only one)
- Step 3 – Write down why it’s so important for you to change this belief
- Step 4 – Argue with this belief
- Step 5 – Create a new, positive, more empowering belief
- Step 6 – Visualize your life in detail when you’ve changed your belief
Repeat Step 3 to 6
Practices Daily
Thank you for reading this session on Belief. I am sharing a PDF and a Google Form.
Request to fill out the below form and let us work together and get out of one of our beliefs. After the success, you will have an extraordinary feeling of achiever and get confident that you can overcome any belief or fear.
Now you have a proven process for overcoming any belief or fear
Thank You