always ask never assume

Always ask…. Never assume..


A Lesson in Communication: The Unexpected Flight

In the bustling news world, assumptions can lead to unexpected adventures, as John, a CNN photographer, found out one surprising day. Told to expect a twin-engine plane ready for him at the airport, John arrived eager to capture some dramatic aerial shots of a wildfire.

Spotting a plane revving up by the hangar, John didn’t hesitate. He climbed aboard, greeted the pilot, and briskly said, “Let’s go.” The pilot, without a word, proceeded to take off, and they were soon soaring above the landscape.

As they leveled off, John, absorbed in preparations for his assignment, instructed the pilot, “Fly low over the valley so I can get close-ups of the fire on the hill.” The pilot’s puzzled response, “Why?” momentarily threw John.

“I’m the photographer for CNN,” John explained, assuming the pilot was briefed about the flight plan. “I need to get some close-up shots.”

What followed was a moment of awkward silence that seemed to stretch on forever. Finally, the pilot broke the quiet, “So what you’re telling me is… you’re not my flying instructor?”

The mix-up dawned on both of them: John had boarded the wrong aircraft! This humorous encounter not only made a memorable day for both John and the pilot but also left them with a valuable takeaway:

Life is short. Always ask, never assume.

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